TWD: Beside the Dying Fire

Wow!  What a finale, huh?  I imagine that all the zombie movie fans who get impatient with the show’s exposition and character development were overjoyed at how things went down in the Season 2 finale Beside the Dying Fire.  It was certainly a thrill and nearly non-stop action.

What really made me happy was that it didn’t stop mid-scene and leave us with an awful cliffhanger over our psyches for the seven months or so before we come back for Season 3.  No, this was the closing chapter of this season, wrapping things up nicely, setting our characters on the path for another story arc in the new season, and giving us some hints and things to think about for the future.  I really, really appreciated the way it was handled.


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TWD: Better Angels

Wow… this week’s episode of The Walking Dead certainly gave us a lot to talk about!  Not least of which was that awesome teaser trailer for Mad Men custom made for rapid zombie fans of The Walking Dead.  So meta on so many levels– delicious that a show about advertising spins a teaser drawing tenuous comparisons between their show about an early 60s ad firm and a show about a modern day zombie apocalypse.  And yet it somehow… works.

Loved it!  I really am looking forward to Mad Men, and I’m sure I’ll be blogging about that show here on Talking TV, but for now… back to The Walking Dead!


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TWD: Judge, Jury, Executioner


When it comes to shows I really like and get into, shows like The Walking Dead, I can be forgiving of what I consider minor gaffes, slips, or storyline sloppiness.  I listen to a few podcasts dedicated to TWD (The Walking Dead AfterBuzz, The Walking Dead ‘Cast, and The Talking Dead), and one of them in particular seems to get really nit-picky and upset over the little things and totally seems to be missing out on the bigger picture, which is just how awesome it is to have a show like this on TV week and after week.  Why sweat the small stuff and let it interfere with your enjoyment?  That’s my motto both for TV watching and life in general.

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